Sunday, January 29, 2006

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

No, I'm not putting myself down again by saying that I am fat (though I am!).

I'm just wishing everyone a Happy Chinese (Lunar) New Year! It's the year of the dog, so if you are going to turn 12, 24, or some other multiple of twelve this year, you are a dog! In a good way...Go ahead, click on the picture of the dog to find out more about traits you possess if you were born in the year of the dog.

Anyway, I always think that it is funny that you get a set of (arbitrary) traits that relate to your Chinese Zodiac sign. The whole legion of you that are dogs are supposed to fit nicely into those traits. Yeah right! I'm supposed to have one kind of disposition based off of my Chinese Zodiac signs, and another set of personality traits due to my Astrological Zodiac sign. Doesn't make too much sense to me. But then again, I'm starting to read up about the world of tarot (yes, I'm slipping into the occult!)

OK, I'm starting to type crazy type, so I better head off to bed now...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Apres moi, le deluge"

Geez, you think that it was time to start building the Ark around here, with all this rain that us Western Washingtonians are getting. I know that it's great that we are getting all this rain (and snow in the mountains), after a very unnappropriate dry spell last year (lets just say that I do not need to see people jogging around in shorts in 60 degree weather in the middle of freaking January, because it confuses my little mind), but really! I think Mother Nature needs to let us dry out for at least a day or two. Now I'm not asking for a rare glimpse of that burning orb in the sky. I'm just asking for at least one day where my pant legs (and other parts of me) don't get wet while running back and forth to my car. Too bad Seattle didn't break it's record of most rainy days in a row. We stopped at 27 days, with the old record being 30 days in 1972.

Ah well, there's always next year (or do I mean next month? With the amount of rain we get around here sometimes...)


God, I'm so sorry to you all that keep ckecking back to see if there is an update to this site. Yes, all three or four of you;-) I haven't even had the time to bitch and moan about the new season of "Dancing With The Stars" (Two words. Master P.???) Actually, I did have the time to write about it with a pretty lengthy post, but right as I was about to publish it live, I clicked the wrong button and deleted the entire post. I hate that. There goes all the wit that it took me two hours to come up with.

Anyway, in your want for something fresh and new (because I'm too tired to think of anything good to write right now), go check out one of my favorite blog spots, Go Fug Yourself. It's gotta be seen to be believed (actually, it's more like "I can't believe (insert celebrity name here) wore that!"

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Tha winna!

OK, so I dropped the ball again! So I'm a little late on my decision for my own personal "Song of the Year" thing I mentioned about a week and a half ago. So sue me.

It actually was a pretty tough decision for me to make. I had it down to James Blunt's "Your Beautiful" and Ringside's "Tired of Being Sorry." Both seemed to strike a chord in me in thier own way, with both haunting lyrics and matching music, "Your Beautiful" being a haunting ballad, and "Tired of Being Sorry" a sad, insistent march to a slightly bossa beat. In the end though, I choose Ringside. They just seem to srtike the right amount of pathos in a most excellent, yet underheard song.

Oh, and by the way, here's to a happy new year to all of you out there in cyberland. ("Diet Coke...")

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