It's her again!!!

Two days in a row with Kelly Monaco featured in the Seattle Times!
Apparently at the network press junkets for ABC in Hollywood, executives are being inundated with questions regarding "Dancing With the Stars," most having to do with the questionable practice of them not revealing the home voter tallies, and second with the whole issue of a known "star" from ABC, who was always near the bottom of the judges list, winning over a "star" that is most well known as a recurring character on an "NBC" show, who was favored by all the judges. (P.S. Shame on you, Carrie Ann Inaba, for giving Kelly a "10" on her final rutine, on the basis that she's "most improved".)
Seattle Times journalist Kay McFadden writes, "a weary network rep announced that "Stars" would add a special half-hour results episode next season." Though this may help alleviate some issues (by making things long and drawn out like "American Idol", because most people I know will skip most of the Wednesday, non-competitive portion and go right to the results), who's to tell if ABC won't make up mock numbers? I think ABC should not offer any "stars" that are readily connected to shows from a particular network, especially their own, for the next installment of "Dancing With the Stars." But the damage is already done with me. I really don't plan on tuning in to any of next season's episodes, unless two of the stars just happen to be Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Anyways, click here to link to today's article.