Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Uh oh!

OK, I'm a bad boy!

Just as I promised myself to be using this blog as my own personal journal by writing in it every day so I can keep track of my thoughts, I go and not write in this for two weeks! Shame!!!

I promise it's for a good reason though! I finally finished reading three books, and I started on a couple of new ones.

The Alchemist was pretty good, if a little contrived. It reads like a non-demoninational inspirational tale, which I thought I would not be into, but the story did touch me, and though one can clearly see what was going to happen, like the book says, it's about the journey more than the outcome.

Tommy's Tale by Alan Cumming read like a summertime beach read should. Sex, drugs, partying, and a revelation about how one's life should be as you hit the milestone of (gasp!) turning thirty! Coupled with a thin plot, stilted dialogue in many areas, and very contrived plot devices (spoiler: I still don't know how someone can get knocked up, find out they are pregnant, and have an abortion in a I think (I'll have to double check to make sure) two week period. Oh well, it read quickly enough.

And I finally got through David Sedaris's Barrel Fever. At first I was confused, but then I noticed the heading of "short stories" in the first part, and "essays" in the second part, and then it was all clear, like a revelation. The "short stories" were kinda strange though. The "essay" parts though were thoroughly enjoyable (especially "Santaland Diaries." Anyone who ever worked in a retail establishment can totally understand, even if it is in the middle of July).

So now I'm working my way through Stiff, a fascinating book about the fascinating lives of cadavers donated (and sometimes, in history, not donated) to science (or at least some interesting, and at times questionable, research), and My third Chuck Palahnuik book, Survivor.

I have also read the first chapter of the Virgin Suicides, but I really need to concentrate and read only one or two books at a time. Reading four books was a little daunting, and at times, overstimulating.

OK, so I promise I will keep up with my writing as well as my reading.


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