Saturday, June 25, 2005

Got some hot stuff...

O.K. Here I am sitting in the little closet that is known as out "OR X-Ray Tech Office" (which has barely enough room to fit three people in).

I am living through the inevitable wait for them to call me in to go and do a case. And already I'm suffering through heat issues. The OR here is consistently kept at a cool temperature, I'd say it is around the lower 60's in here. But nevertheless, I am still having a heat flash like a St. Benard in the middle of summer in a parked car. You think that with my body temperature running so hot all the time that I would have a high metabolism and be as thin as a rail, but NO!!! I am still the 70+ pounds (more or less, depending on which chart you are looking at) overweight person that I was yesterday and the day before. It also doesn't help that since I'm working with radiation, I have to wear this lead apron that both weighs an extra 15 pounds, and restricts my body from mingling with the air around me. So this is what it must feel like to live in Louisiana. No than you heat and humidity!

I remember once that I only visited the "tropical" house at the local zoo, and I nearly died after being in there for only 10 minutes. No joke! I don't think I could ever aclimate to the east coast, especially in the summers. I can survuve living through the 100+ degree weather in Vegas becuase it is a dry heat, but if you so much as spit in hot air, the humidity is enough to kill me.

Maybe I should move up to Alaska...


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