Christmas has come and gone, and what a Christmas it was!
It would have been perfectly fine and uneventful, if it had not been for my main desktop computer deciding to peter out and crash on us. I still have no idea what could possibly be wrong with it. A virus, a Trojan horse, a malfunctioning motherboard? Who knows! I am half hoping that I can fix the problem and get it to work again, and half wanting to go out and buy another new computer. Thank goodness for my sister's laptop. I don't think I could make it more than three or four days without internet access, if only to delete all the junk mail sitting in my mailbox before it fills up and starts bouncing back messages.
I guess the most important thing is: if you have any files at all that you even remotely consider precious, for God's sake, back up those files!!! I learned the hard way when I almost cried myself to sleep thinking about all those files I could have lost (including those episodes of Desperate Housewives I almost lost!) I swear, I gained more than my fair share of new grey hairs in the past few days, and I just turned 26 about an hour ago (well, technically, I think I was born around 8 am, so I guess I could consider myself 26 at that point.) Great, another thing to get stressed and depressed about! :-(