Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm squeeling like a little girl!

OK, I hope everyone could be as excited as I am about there being only less than a month before Madonna's new album, Confessions On A Dancefloor, is released (on November 15!).

If you can't wait that long for some new disco/house inspired Madonna dancing, you can get the new single, Hung Up, off of iTunes now for only $.99. Or you can pre-order the whole album on iTunes, and also get the video with the rest of the album. The pre-order comes in two flavours. You can get the album with the tracks seperated, or you can get it all mixed together as one long dance mix, for all your dancing needs. This sounds like it will be a great workout album. Then I can finally hop on the treadmill that's been sitting in my family room for the better part of over a year!

And in more Madonna news, you can catch the world premiere of her new documentary movie, I'm Going To Tell You A Secret, on MTV this Friday, the 21, at 10:00 P.M. Go behind the scenes on the making of her excellent ReInvention Tour (which I happened to catch on both nights it was playing at the HP Pavillion in San Jose).

(On a side note, it's nice that my background theme goes pretty well with Madonna's chosen theme for her album, with the disco dots;-)


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