Saturday, September 17, 2005


Cue up the West Side Story dance music! There's only three more days until Tuesday, when my favorite John O'Hurley, and the Wicked Witch of the West, Kelly Monaco, reunite for a no-holds-barred dance off competition. Even though all the supporting players will be back (all the past contestants and judges), this one will be decided by only us, the audience. So please don't fall for Kelly's "I'm so innocent" statements and demeanor, or her ever shrinking dresses (she's all "John will probably win because he's doing Broadway now" when I know she's saying it as a desperate plea for sympathy. Don't fall for it!!!). We all know who really should have won the first time around. So don't dissappoint me for voting for Miss Congeniality by voting for the person who has consistently danced well and gave all 100% of himself in every performance.
And most of all, ABC, please disclose the final voting numbers by the audience this time around. Even though you can actually screw around with the numbers, at least give us some numbers that we can argue over, over that crock of you know what the last time around, when you wouldn't reveal the numbers for the audience votes.


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