Wednesday, August 31, 2005

"She ain't messin wit no broke..."

This may sound bad from those who know me, but I really like that new Kanye West single, "Gold Digger."

I didn't really like Kanye's first album (actually, I don't really like too much hip-hop except for Missy Elliott. You don't want to know how many times a day I listen to "Lose Control," or how many times I used to listen to "Work It."), but once in a while, something strikes my fancy (like Outkast's last album).

But this song burrowed itself into my brain the very first time I heard it. I guess this is one of those "guilty pleasure" songs for me. And I really don't know what it is. The music is pretty catchy, with a great beat and a little funk. The lyrics are humorous, and Jamie Foxx's channeling of Ray Charles (again) is cool. It's like when Moby sampled all those old R&B and Blues vocals for his Play album.

Also the video, while nothing special (everything in there has all been done before by other videos, from the ubiquitous "video hoes" dancing in fake magazine covers, to the white wide screen), is still able to catch and keep my attention every time it pops up on VH-MT-2. I'm almost tempted to buy his album...Almost. I'll probably just iTunes it. God, iTunes is great! And apparently, I'm not the only one who got this song stuck in his head, as the song is currently the number one downloaded song on iTunes. Maybe you should get it stuck in your head too...

And lastly, I also have more respect for him since he spoke out against discrimination, even discrimination against (gasp!) homosexuals. This is nearly unheard of in the world of hip-hop. And I'm all for anti-discrimination. Unless you are Kelly Monaco or decide to wear butt-ugly clothes. Then I'll pile on the hate ;-)


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