Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Welcome sports fans!

Yesterday, I went to my first ever sports event!

I know what you are saying. "But Choitoy, you live in Western Washington, where stadiums and arenas outnumber viable transportation options to move about Western Washington. How can this be your first sporting event?" Well, call me a fat Asian nerd, but I never really needed to see a Mariners, Sonics, Husky, or even a Seahawks game live and in person. Hey, I'm the one who got straight "A"s in high school, except for in P.E., where I could only muster up a "B-" (give it your best effort my ass! I gave my all to do one chin up, to the point of possibly popping an important vessel in my brain or my heart, but since I could not do even one, they were forced to give me a lower grade. I want to see my P.E. teacher try to do a pull up with underdeveloped arm muscles with a 50 sack of rice tied around his belly!)

Anyway, I digress.

So we got the bleacher seats to a Mariners game at Safeco field (and by "bleacher," I mean cheap! My dinner, parking, in-game nosh, and post game exploits all costs about four times the amount of my $7.00 ticket). Actually, they were really good seats. They are usually at the end of the stadium that would get a full blast of sun during a game, but the entire day was overcast and in the mid to upper 60s. So it was grand. I actually didn't get to see too much of the game. I think the only part I really paid attention to was Ichiro's first at bat and hit. I spent more time socializing with my co-workers that I went to the game with. It was actually a pretty quick two and a half hours. And we won! Albeit, it's against Kansas City, the worst team in the league, who just lost their 17th game in a row, but we won!

So after the game, I seemed to have been coerced into going to "Cowgirls Inc.", a "Coyote Ugly" type place, only with a bunch of pasty Seattleites in there. I rarely go into bars, and this was one of the last places I've ever been expected to go into during my lifetime. I don't really drink, I don't dance, I don't smoke, I don't really socialize with strangers, I don't like country music, and I don't ride no mechanical bulls!!! Oh well, at least I can say I've been there, and it didn't make an impression on me, as much as it did on one of my co-workers, who was oogling the dancing bar girls all night long. It was like a puppy following a flashlight. And it seems more than just coincidence that the bar is high enough so that when an average sized female stands on it, her crotch/ass area is almost directly in the line of sight of someone standing on the floor...


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