Thursday, August 04, 2005

Here I am...

Nothing new happening for the past couple of days. Just the usual...

Anyway, on Saturday, my friend's sister is getting MARRIED!!! I am so happy for her, but at the same time, to quote Will Truman from Will & Grace, "it just makes me bitter."

Not that I don't like my friend's sister. It's more of a personal problem on my front. See, my friend's sister is around the same age as me. Then there is a co-worker of mine who is also the same age as me. And both of them by the end of this year will have ended up married. Then there is me, who has really never been officially on a date.

I know that most of this is my own fault, and it's true that I've never been actively seeking out anyone. I know that things like this just don't fall into people's laps (so to speak). I also know that at 26, this isn't the "end of the world," as there are people who are older than me who still are not married, and are still looking for Mr./Ms. Right. Yet it still feels like there is something wrong with me for never having been out with anyone. I know I shouldn't feel this way, as my life is fulfilled in other aspects. And I still have to deal with the issues of being a germaphobe (who happens to be working for a 200+ bed hospital, but let's not get into the dirtiness of that yet!). And I know that I have very weak emotions, and I'll be even more devastated if I actually hooked up with someone and then broke up, than if I had been single all along.

Still though...

I guess I just need to get out of the house more, and stop befriending either lesbians, or women 10-30 years older than I am (not that there's anything wrong with that, but those are the wrong demographics that a 26 year old male should be hooking up with. Speaking of which... Jerry Hall, I don't know whether you or those twentysomething guys that you are trying to make your "man-servant" on your reality show, Kept are more pathetic.)


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