Monday, August 22, 2005

Fading into obscurity

I just spent the past two hours looking around at some other people's blogs hosted on this site. There are a lot of people out there who do one or two posts and then stop, or will have last posted about a year and a half ago. Some of these people actually have written down some good things. However, there is also a lot of bad writing out there. And I guess you gotta be careful about clicking that "Next Blog" button in the top right corner, because, even though there isn't supposed to be any explicit stuff posted here, some sites still do just that. Imagine my surprise when I click that top right button on my own site, and it randomly takes me to a blog site where the predominant image it those of giant mammaries (or as Brenda likes to call 'em, "large, modified sweat glands," which is technically what they are!).

So surf carefully! And if any of you out there really are good writers or have interesting ideas to share, keep writing, because even "you" can get a book deal out of your blog someday!


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