Friday, October 07, 2005

One more thing...

I'm sorry about being such a downer on Sunday guys.

Sometimes things just get stuck in my mind, and I need some catharsis. It helps to let things out, no matter how ugly, or sad, or sordid.
(Thanks again, Linda.)

Anyways, it looks like Steve Jobs is going to make another big announcement to do with something that Apple makes. A press conference is being held October 12. Many signs point to a new first generation iPod with video capabilities. But it is also well known that he likes to throw many red herrings, and that we really should be expecting the unexpected.

My personal opinion is that there will be a video capable iPod (I would LOVE if we were able to download music videos onto it!), and that the iPod may up it's storage capacity without increasing in size from the current 60 gigabyte model. I think there may be the technology to cram 100 gigs into such a tiny space. I think there may also be radio functionality, or a new limited edition version, a la the U2 iPod (they seem to be pretty chummy with Madonna right now, and she is coming out with a new record soon. She already had a "signed" edition of the first generation button iPods. But this is more a wish than real speculation).

I guess time will tell if I need to shell out another $300 to Apple & Co. again.


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