Monday, February 20, 2006

Love Kylie

I'm really into Kylie Minogue again.

I guess I've overlistened to my Confessions on a Dancefloor album, so now I've been listening to a lot more Kylie now. But not even new Kylie, her older stuff, like from 1994 stuff (God, listen to me talking like 1994 was like eons ago!). I only got Kylie's older stuff (Light Years, Kylie Minogue self titled album) recently, so it's new to me.

Anyway, my current favorite song is "Confide In Me." It's very strange as a dance song, starting off with a string section playing in a minor key, and giving way to trip-hop like bass lines, with Kylie singing in a spooky lower register. And is that a sitar that I hear strumming in the background? In effect, it is a very slinky song, allowing one to slither on the dancefloor.

Too bad the video for it (which I saw off the Ultimate Kylie video collection DVD) is a seizure inducing mess. It could have been so much better. Basically the premise of this video is Kylie, in 6 different getups with the only thing in common between each is impossibly red lips, is advertising for a hotline number. I can't tell what kind; a crisis number or a phone sex line. The only outfit that seems to fit the theme of this song is this black patent leather getup with a big fro hairstyle. It catches the dark moodiness of the song the best. The other getups range from the silly to the odd (stud collars totally clash with hot pink!). And then the screen flitts back and fourth between all six of these Kylies and text in all different languages. Sometimes it's O.K., but when the text starts moving at breakneck speeds, I start getting vertigo. Who O.K.ed this concept? I guess I should blame director Paul Boyd (though his Robert Palmer inspired "Man, I Feel Like A Woman" by Shania Twain is nearly pure genius).

At least I still have Kylie's "Come Into My World" video (an excellent Michel Gondry production) to watch over and over again.


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