Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I need a Roto-Rooter!

Nothing much happening for the past few days. The sun hasn't officially come back to grace Western Washington with it's presence ever since the July 4th holiday. Oh sure we have had the occasional sunbreak, but for the most part, there are just some lingering clouds in the air, which unfortunately makes for a hot and humid afternoon. Now, granted, it isn't a "August in Atlanta, Georgia" humid, but with the way I am, anything above 50% humidity is too humid for me. I sweat like a pig (well, actually, pigs don't sweat, but I sure do! Got those darned sweat genes from my mom!).

It also doesn't help that I am usually completely congested in the nasal area due to both allergies and a naturally small nasal cavity. And the combination of the heat, humidity, and my plugged up nose is giving me a wicked headache. I live for air conditioning, with it's de-humidifying, cooling, and air-blowing qualities.

And away go troubles down the drainI am so desperate that I'm considering a laser ablasion of my nasal passageways again. Basically, it's a nice fancy term for "Roto-Rooter"ing the inside of my nose. They lightly burn and scar the lining of the nasal cavity to help bring down the swelling and inflammation of the nasal linings. I had this done once, but only while I was knocked unconscious during my tonsilectomy. My ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor) says that this procedure can be done on a clinical, outpatient basis (read, in the doctor's office, and not a surgery suite). But I don't know. Since I won't be "out of it" while this is happening, I think I may be too painfully aware of what's going on in there, when I would much rather blissfully not know. That, and the smell of burning flesh is so not a good thing. Trust me on that one. I've been through enough surgery cases that I know what I'm talking about.


Blogger Unknown said...

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Rooter Service
Water Heaters

11:34 PM  

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